Orders of Protection
Schedule Your Free Consultation Today
In Tennessee, orders for protection can use the power of the court and law enforcement to keep an abusive family member or partner from threatening or harassing you. These orders can protect you, your home, your children, and your job from harassment at the hands of a loved one.
At The Cantrell Law Firm, our lawyers represent victims of domestic violence in Clinton, Oak Ridge, Knoxville, and throughout East Tennessee. We also represent people who are accused of abuse.
Are you in need of protection? Call (865) 457-9100 now to set up a free initial consultation for an explanation of your rights and get answers to your questions.
Offering Protection for Those Who Need It
It's not unusual for one of the parties involved in a divorce action to seek an order for protection against an abusive spouse. However, before you obtain an order, it's important to consider the effect it may have on you and your spouse.
Is the threat real? You should not seek an order of protection simply because you are angry with your spouse or want to evict him or her from the marital residence. Seeking an order for protection based on false accusations can be used against you.
Is an order for protection overkill? An order for protection is a powerful tool that will bar your spouse from possessing firearms or ammunition. If your spouse is a police officer or security guard, he may lose his job as a result. You can negotiate a less restrictive restraining order that would allow your spouse to maintain gun rights.
Will you change your mind? Many people seek orders of protection out of anger, only to drop the orders after things cool off. To the court, this can have the effect of crying wolf and may work against you in the future.
More Information About Restraining Orders in Tennessee
The Cantrell Law Firm handles orders for protection and restraining orders in Anderson County, Campbell County, Knox County, and nearby counties of East Tennessee.